Metatron Press

METATRON PRESS is an award-winning literary publisher based in Montréal, Quebec that specializes in publishing weird, beautiful, and experimental books of poetry, fiction, and hybrid texts by debut authors.

Since 2014, Metatron has acquired manuscripts, published, and publicized beautifully-designed books from a new generation of writers. We publish 3-6 books per year in paperback and e-book formats. We are primarily known for our innovative poetry, but also publish award-winning novellas, hybrid literature, and short story collections. 

Our publishing program also includes an annual prize (The Metatron Prize for Rising Authors), events and various digital publishing projects, including GLYPHÖRIA (Spring 2023) ÖMËGÄ, ÄLPHÄ, #MICROMETA and a video poem series. Metatron Press is based in Tio'tia:ke (Montréal, Canada) on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka territory.

We specifically encourage submissions from anyone living on the margins of the imperialist, capitalist, ableist, heteronormative, patriarchal, white-supremacist machine (bell hooks) and anyone else seeking an encouraging and safe environment to showcase their work. If you identify as such and wish for us to know, please include the information in your submission.

Check out our open submissions below! We look forward to reading your work and thank you in advance for trusting us as a space to feature it.

Metatron Press